BBC HomepageSkip to contentAccessibility HelpYour accountLiveNotificationsHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeMore menuMore menuSearch BBCHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeCBBCCBeebiesFoodClose menuBBC NewsMenuHomeIsrael-Gaza warCost of LivingWar in UkraineClimateUKWorldBusinessPoliticsCultureMoreTechScienceHealthFamily & EducationIn PicturesNewsbeatBBC VerifyDisabilityWorldAfricaAsiaAustraliaEuropeLatin AmericaMiddle EastUS & CanadaUkraine-based Russian armed groups claim raids into RussiaPublishedJust nowShareclose panelShare pageCopy linkAbout sharingRelated TopicsWar in UkraineImage source, Telegram/Freedom of Russia LegionImage caption, The Freedom of Russia Legion said Russia must be “freed from Putin’s dictatorship”By Jaroslav LukivBBC NewsThree Ukraine-based Russian paramilitary groups say they have crossed into Russia and are now fighting government troops there.The Freedom of Russia Legion (FRL) and Siberian Battalion (SB) posted videos purportedly showing their fighters in Russia’s Belgorod and Kursk regions.The SVR and an exiled Russian politician claimed two villages were now in control of “liberation forces”.Russia’s defence ministry said the breakthrough attempts were thwarted.Ukraine’s military denied any involvement in Tuesday’s cross-border raids. Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for the country’s military intelligence, said the paramilitary groups were “independent organisations” of Russian nationals, and therefore operating “at home”.In a separate development, Russia said Ukraine had launched 25 drones on targets across Russia, but the attack was thwarted.However, videos have emerged which appear to show several Russian oil facilities on fire.In the Ivanovo region, just east of Moscow, an Il-76 military-transport plane with eight crew and seven passengers crashed shortly after take-off, Russia’s defence ministry was quoted as saying by Russian state-run news agencies.The ministry said an engine fire caused the crash. It gave no details of survivors.Videos have emerged purportedly showing the plane on fire circling in the sky, and later plumes of black smoke from the crash site.A full-scale invasion of Ukraine launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin is now in its third year, with no signs that the biggest war in Europe since World War Two could end soon. The Ukrainian sea drones hunting Russian warshipsIs Europe doing enough to help Ukraine? Ukraine war in maps: Russia makes limited advancesOn Tuesday, the FRL posted what it said was a video from the Russian-Ukrainian border.”Like all our fellow citizens, in the Legion we dream of a Russia freed from Putin’s dictatorship. But we don’t just dream: we make every effort to make these dreams come true. We will take our land away from the regime, centimetre by centimetre,” an armed FRL soldier in the footage is heard saying.Meanwhile, the SB said “fierce fighting is going on the Russian Federation territory”, publishing a clip purportedly showing its fighters engaging with Russian government forces.It also condemned Russian presidential elections on 15-17 March, in which Mr Putin is widely expected to be declared the winner.”Ballots and polling stations in this case are fiction. You can really change your life for the better only with weapons in your hands,” the SB said.Another Ukraine-based Russian group, the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), also published footage of what it said were its fighters engaging with Russian government troops.”The army of the Kremlin regime lays down its weapons without even starting the battle,” it said. The videos have not been independently verified.The border village of Tetkino in the Kursk region appeared to be one of the targets in Tuesday’s raids, with the FRL claiming that “liberating forces” had now full control over the settlement.The BBC has verified the authenticity of FRL footage depicting a strike on an armoured personnel carrier in Tetkino. div.crAssetPlaceholder{ display: flex; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 1ch; } div[notready]{ display: none; } .crAssetPlaceholder{ margin: 1em 0; } .crCaption { font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 1.28; color: #545658; border-left: 1px solid #8A8C8E; margin-top: 0.5rem; padding-left: 0.5rem; } .crSMP { width: 100%; } .crAssetPlaceholder picture{ display: flex; justify-content: center; } .crAssetPlaceholder picture[data-type=image] div{ display: none; } .crAssetPlaceholder picture[data-type=video] img{ display: none; } :root{ –crBlue: #0071f1; –crGrey: #f6f6f6; } .crBody{ display: flex; _width: 935px; padding: 16px; flex-direction: column; 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breakthrough” into Russia.It said enemy fighters – backed by tanks and armoured personnel carriers – had tried to invade Russia “simultaneously in three directions in the areas of the settlements of Odnorobovka, Nekhoteevka and Spodaryushino, Belgorod region”.It added that another four attacks had targeted Tetkino, but were “repulsed”.The Ukraine-based Russian armed groups have made several cross-border raids since the full-invasion of Ukraine began.Last May, Russia’s military said a similar attack in the Belgorod region was rebuffed and armed insurgents defeated.Related TopicsWar in UkraineRussiaUkraineMore on this storyThe Ukrainian sea drones hunting Russian warshipsPublished6 hours agoIs Europe doing enough to help Ukraine?Published2 days agoWho are the fighters infiltrating Russia from Ukraine?Published23 May 2023Ukraine war in maps: Russia makes limited advancesPublished21 FebruaryRussia battles armed group in border regionPublished23 May 2023Top StoriesGaza medics tell BBC that Israeli troops beat and humiliated themPublished6 hours agoAbbott calls Tory donor’s comments frighteningPublished17 minutes agoHaiti’s prime minister resigns as law and order collapsePublished5 hours agoFeaturesThe Ukrainian sea drones hunting Russian warshipsIs pressure on Kate after photo chaos unfair?The rise and fall of Haiti’s Ariel HenryHow the miners’ strike changed the role of womenSchoolboy recounts daring escape from Nigerian kidnap gangWhen wind turbine blades get old what’s next?’We don’t feel the joy of Ramadan in Rafah’ Video’We don’t feel the joy of Ramadan in Rafah’All By Myself songwriter Eric Carmen dies aged 74On Russia’s Arctic border, Nato’s new members prep for warElsewhere on the BBCCrazy urban myth or legitimate punk-pop conspiracy?Comedian Joanne McNally investigatesAttributionSoundsDo you know why the Taj Mahal was built?Test your knowledge with The Seven Wonders of the World quizAttributionBitesizeAre you a descendant of royalty?Geneticist Dr. Adam Rutherford sets out to prove that we all are…AttributionSoundsFind out this foxy family’s BBC favourites…They’ve got their eyes on the MasterChef trophyAttributioniPlayerMost Read1Abbott calls Tory donor’s comments frightening2More than a fifth of adults not looking for work3Al Pacino explains awkward Oscars announcement4Andrew Tate appears in court over UK arrest warrant5Inquest into boy’s ‘social media craze’ death opens6Gaza medics tell BBC that Israeli troops beat and humiliated them7Is pressure on Kate after photo chaos unfair?8Warning pet owners overpaying for medicine9Karl Wallinger, songwriter and Waterboys member, dies aged 6610Haiti’s PM resigns as law and order collapses

[ad_1] “Like all our fellow citizens, in the Legion we dream of a Russia freed from Putin’s dictatorship. But we don’t just dream: we make every effort to make these…

BBC HomepageSkip to contentAccessibility HelpYour accountLiveNotificationsHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeMore menuMore menuSearch BBCHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeCBBCCBeebiesFoodClose menuBBC NewsMenuHomeIsrael-Gaza warCost of LivingWar in UkraineClimateUKWorldBusinessPoliticsCultureMoreTechScienceHealthFamily & EducationIn PicturesNewsbeatBBC VerifyDisabilityWorldAfricaAsiaAustraliaEuropeLatin AmericaMiddle EastUS & CanadaGaza war: First aid ship sets off from CyprusPublishedJust nowShareclose panelShare pageCopy linkAbout sharingRelated TopicsIsrael-Gaza warImage source, ReutersImage caption, The Open Arms is loaded with aid before setting off for GazaA ship taking almost 200 tonnes of food to Gaza left a port in Cyprus early on Tuesday, in a pilot project to open a new sea route of aid to a population on the brink of famine.The charity ship Open Arms was seen sailing out of Larnaca port in Cyprus, towing a barge containing flour, rice and protein.The ship belongs to a Spanish charity of the same name. Exactly where it plans to dock when it reaches Gaza has not been disclosed.The mission, mostly funded by the United Arab Emirates, is being organised by US based charity World Central Kitchen (WCK), while the Spanish charity supplies the ship.”Our goal is to establish a maritime highway of boats and barges stocked with millions of meals continuously headed towards Gaza,” said WCK founder Jose Andres and chief executive officer Erin Gore in a statement.The initiative is separate from a US plan to construct and operate a floating pier close to the Gaza coast, which will allow swift delivery of humanitarian aid.The charities intend to take aid directly to Gaza, which has been sealed off from the outside world since Israel began its offensive in response to an 7 October attack on Israel by Hamas.With the lack of port infrastructure, WCK has said it was creating a landing jetty in Gaza with material from destroyed buildings and rubble. It has said it had another 500 tonnes of aid amassed in Cyprus which would also be sent.Related TopicsIsrael-Gaza warHumanitarian aidMore on this storyGaza medics tell BBC that Israeli troops beat and humiliated themPublished1 hour agoGaza aid ship yet to leave CyprusPublished17 hours agoUS military ship heading to Gaza to build portPublished1 day agoTop StoriesGaza medics tell BBC that Israeli troops beat and humiliated themPublished1 hour agoHaiti’s prime minister resigns as law and order collapsePublished1 hour agoUK needs new gas power plants to stop blackouts – ministerPublished3 hours agoFeaturesKate’s photo apology and Tory donor’s Abbott remarksThe Ukrainian sea drones hunting down Russia’s warshipsHow the miners’ strike changed the role of womenSchoolboy recounts daring escape from Nigerian kidnap gangWhen wind turbine blades get old what’s next?’We don’t feel the joy of Ramadan in Rafah’ Video’We don’t feel the joy of Ramadan in Rafah’All By Myself songwriter Eric Carmen dies aged 74On Russia’s Arctic border, Nato’s new members prep for warIs pressure on Kate after photo chaos unfair?Elsewhere on the BBCCrazy urban myth or legitimate punk-pop conspiracy?Comedian Joanne McNally investigatesAttributionSoundsDo you know why the Taj Mahal was built?Test your knowledge with The Seven Wonders of the World quizAttributionBitesizeAre you a descendant of royalty?Geneticist Dr. Adam Rutherford sets out to prove that we all are…AttributionSoundsFind out this foxy family’s BBC favourites…They’ve got their eyes on the MasterChef trophyAttributioniPlayerMost Read1UK man dies at his engagement party in Australia2Boeing whistleblower found dead in US3Kate’s photo apology and Tory donor’s Abbott remarks4’Life is absolute hell – I feel I’m just existing’5Whole of the Moon artist Karl Wallinger dies at 666Workplace mental health service firm investigated7Haiti’s PM resigns as law and order collapse8Gaza medics tell BBC that Israeli troops beat and humiliated them9New gas power plants to stop blackouts – minister10Tory donor accused of racist Diane Abbott remarks

[ad_1] The charity ship Open Arms is to deliver 200 tonnes of food to the Strip as part of a new aid corridor.

BBC HomepageSkip to contentAccessibility HelpYour accountLiveNotificationsHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeMore menuMore menuSearch BBCHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeCBBCCBeebiesFoodClose menuBBC NewsMenuHomeIsrael-Gaza warCost of LivingWar in UkraineClimateUKWorldBusinessPoliticsCultureMoreTechScienceHealthFamily & EducationIn PicturesNewsbeatBBC VerifyDisabilityWorldAfricaAsiaAustraliaEuropeLatin AmericaMiddle EastUS & CanadaUS carries out first air drop of aid for GazaPublishedJust nowShareclose panelShare pageCopy linkAbout sharingThe US has carried out its first air drop of aid for Gaza, with more than 30,000 meals parachuted in by three military planes.The drop involved three C-130 transport planes, a spokesman for the US Central Command told the AFP news agency.US sources told the BBC’s partner CBS the drop was the first of many announced by President Joe Biden.On Friday he promised to step up aid to Gaza after the death of over 100 people seeking aid from a convoy on Thursday.The planes dropped “66 total bundles of pork-free meals” on Saturday afternoon, the official told AFP.This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.You can receive Breaking News on a smartphone or tablet via the BBC News App. You can also follow @BBCBreaking on Twitter to get the latest alerts.Top StoriesUS carries out first air drop of aid for GazaPublished7 minutes agoFergal Keane: Aid convoy tragedy shows fear of starvation haunts GazansPublished11 minutes agoFather wants cyber-bullying law after Mia’s deathPublished2 hours agoFeaturesBiden treads carefully through Middle East minefieldThe magnitude of covering Alexei Navalny’s funeralFaisal Islam: Why this won’t be the Budget that Jeremy Hunt wantedBad blood over Singapore Taylor Swift tour subsidiesKiller whale vs shark: Solo orca eats great white. VideoKiller whale vs shark: Solo orca eats great whiteHow did the viral Willy Wonka experience go so wrong?What video and eyewitness accounts tell us about Gazans killed at aid dropCan Raye break the Brit Awards record?The two faces of Robert F Kennedy JrElsewhere on the BBCWill this elite boarding school fit around them?Five black inner-city teens must leave their old worlds behind…AttributioniPlayerHair-pulling, wrestling and kicking!Watch the moment a violent brawl unfolded in the Maldives ParliamentAttributioniPlayerThe mysterious deaths of Nazi fugitivesThree brothers investigate whether a family connection may explain the truthAttributioniPlayerWhy do people behave the way they do on social media?Marianna Spring investigates extraordinary cases of online hate to find out…AttributioniPlayerMost Read1Bad blood over Singapore Taylor Swift tour subsidies2Killer whale vs shark: Solo orca eats great white3Father wants cyber-bullying law after Mia’s death4How did the viral Willy Wonka experience go so wrong?5Victoria Beckham’s fashion show disrupted by Peta6Rents soar in towns as tenants priced out of cities7Five-car crash closes one side of dual-carriageway8Felled Sycamore Gap tree to go on public display9US fashion designer Iris Apfel dies aged 10210UN says many bullet wounds among Gaza convoy injured

[ad_1] President Biden has promised to step up aid after the death of more than 100 people seeking aid on Thursday.

BBC HomepageSkip to contentAccessibility HelpYour accountLiveNotificationsHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeMore menuMore menuSearch BBCHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeCBBCCBeebiesFoodClose menuBBC NewsMenuHomeIsrael-Gaza warCost of LivingWar in UkraineClimateUKWorldBusinessPoliticsCultureMoreTechScienceHealthFamily & EducationIn PicturesNewsbeatBBC VerifyDisabilityWorldAfricaAsiaAustraliaEuropeLatin AmericaMiddle EastUS & CanadaMajor Alabama hospital pauses IVF after court rules frozen embryos are childrenPublishedJust nowShareclose panelShare pageCopy linkAbout sharingImage source, Carlos DuarteImage caption, In vitro fertilization is a common form of fertility care in the US.By Kayla EpsteinBBC NewsA ruling from the Alabama Supreme Court that frozen embryos are considered children, and that a person could be held liable for accidentally destroying them, has opened up a new front in the US battle over reproductive medicine.The southern US state’s largest hospital has paused its in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) services in the wake of the decision, over fears it could expose them to criminal prosecution.The University of Alabama at Birmingham health system said it would continue retrieving eggs from women’s ovaries. But it said it would halt the next step in the IVF process, in which the eggs are fertilised with sperm before being implanted into the uterus.”We are saddened that this will impact our patients’ attempt to have a baby through IVF,” the leading state medical provider said in a statement.”But we must evaluate the potential that our patients and our physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive damages for following the standard of care for IVF treatments.”Medical experts and reproductive advocacy groups warned the ruling could have negative consequences for fertility treatments in Alabama and beyond. Conservative groups welcomed the ruling, arguing that even the tiniest embryo deserved legal protection.Why did this lawsuit occur and what did the court rule?The case stems from a wrongful death lawsuit brought by three couples whose embryos were lost at a fertility clinic in 2020.A patient had wandered into the place where the embryos were stored, handled them, and accidentally dropped them. As a result, the embryos were destroyed.The couples sought to sue the Center for Reproductive Medicine and the Mobile Infirmary Association under the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. That law covers foetuses, but did not specifically cover embryos resulting from IVF.A lower court had ruled that the embryos did not qualify as a person or child, and that a wrongful death lawsuit could not move forward. But in its ruling, the Alabama Supreme Court sided with the couples, and ruled that frozen embryos were considered “children”. The wrongful death law applied to “all unborn children, regardless of their location”, the decision said.Concurring with the majority opinion, Chief Justice Tom Parker wrote: “Even before birth, all human beings have the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory.”What are the implications for Alabama fertility patients?The ruling does not ban or restrict IVF and in fact, the couples who brought the case actively sought out the procedure.But the decision may cause confusion about whether some aspects of IVF are legal under Alabama law, experts say. If an embryo is considered a person, it could raise questions about how clinics are allowed to use and store them.Elisabeth Smith, director of state policy at the Center for Reproductive Rights, told the BBC in a statement: “Not all [IVF] embryos are used, nor can they be. “To enact legislation granting legal personhood to embryos could have disastrous consequences for the use of IVF – a science many people rely on to build their families.” Ambiguity over the law could also extend to patients themselves, who may worry about whether the procedure remains available or legal.The Medical Association of the State of Alabama said in a statement: “The significance of this decision impacts all Alabamians and will likely lead to fewer babies – children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins – as fertility options become limited for those who want to have a family.”How does this tie in with the US abortion debate?When the US Supreme Court struck down a nationwide right to abortion in 2022, it opened the door for states to make their own laws on the issue.Since the decision, Democratic-controlled states have expanded access while Republican-controlled states have restricted it.Alabama already has a total ban on abortion, at all stages of pregnancy.The White House called the Alabama ruling “exactly the type of chaos that we expected when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and paved the way for politicians to dictate some of the most personal decisions families can make”.Abortion opponents are also watching this ruling closely. The question of when an embryo or a foetus is legally considered a person is a factor in many state abortion restrictions.The Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal group, described the Alabama ruling as a “tremendous victory for life”.”No matter the circumstances, all human life is valuable from the moment of conception,” spokeswoman Denise Burke said in a statement to the BBC. “We are grateful the Court correctly found that Alabama law recognises this fundamental truth.”Other anti-abortion activists said IVF was not as clear-cut an ethical issue in their eyes, compared to terminating a pregnancy.Eric Johnston, a lawyer who helped draft Alabama’s constitutional language on abortion in 2018, told the BBC: “By and large the pro-life community would say that fertilised eggs are in need of protection.”But he acknowledged there were couples with anti-abortion views who had used IVF to have children, and said he would never condemn them.”It’s a dilemma, and a dilemma is something where you don’t have a satisfactory answer,” he added.What is IVF? Invitro fertilisation offers a possible solution where a woman faces challenges getting pregnant. Around 2% of US pregnancies are the result of IVF, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The process involves retrieving the woman’s eggs with a needle from her ovaries and combining them with a man’s sperm in a lab. The fertilised embryo is then transferred into the woman’s uterus, where it may create a pregnancy. But the process is not guaranteed, and it can take multiple attempts to create a successful pregnancy. In some cases, as in the Alabama trial, the fertilised embryos are frozen and stored in tanks containing liquid nitrogen. They can be held for up to a decade, experts say. What could happen in other states?US states often tend to replicate each other’s legislation, and the US has seen this pattern play out with abortion. Often, states will take cues from each other about what laws or policies have successfully passed legislatures or withstood legal challenges.Though the Alabama ruling only applies within the state, experts said other states could see legislative attempts or lawsuits aimed at advancing the concept that frozen embryos should legally be considered children or people.But they said it appeared unlikely this particular case would end up at the US Supreme Court, as the issue of abortion did, because the Alabama ruling originated in state court and concerns an interpretation of state, not federal, law.According to the Centers for Disease Control, 97,128 babies were born in the US as a result of IVF treatments in 2021.How could this ruling affect US politics?The right to abortion has been a winning issue for Democrats since the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, which guaranteed the constitutional right to abortion up to the point of foetal viability, about 23-25 weeks. In the wake of the Alabama ruling, Democratic candidates could run on a platform of protecting access to fertility treatment across the United States.Republican politicians, meanwhile, often side with religious conservatives who want abortion banned or limited in the US.Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley, the only significant contender remaining in the race against Donald Trump for the party’s nomination, endorsed the Alabama Supreme Court’s decision on Thursday.”Embryos to me, are babies,” she said. “When you talk about an embryo, you are talking about, to me, that’s life and so I do see where that’s coming from when they talk about that.”You may also be interested in:This video can not be playedTo play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser.Media caption, Manon and Chris have been unable to conceive since having their daughter EfaRelated TopicsIVFAlabamaUnited StatesMore on this storyAlabama passes bill banning abortionPublished15 May 2019Four ways the end of Roe v Wade has changed AmericaPublished24 June 2023Top StoriesLive. SNP’s Flynn says party has no confidence in Speaker after Commons chaosPost Office victims set to be cleared under new lawPublished12 minutes agoUK targets Russian military with further sanctionsPublished46 minutes agoFeatures‘I miss you’: Ukraine’s children orphaned by Russian missileRosenberg: How two years of war have changed RussiaSahil Omar: The real story behind a fake criminalPostcode check: How’s the NHS coping in your area?Family share memories of Kenya’s marathon legendWhat does the Speaker of the House of Commons do?How AI is helping the search for extraterrestrial lifeWhy US politicians are on a pilgrimage to TaiwanOlivia Colman on why sweary letters were original trollingElsewhere on the BBCThe screening dilemma…Could good intentions to detect illnesses early actually be causing more harm?AttributionSoundsBritain’s toughest job interview is backLord Sugar’s class of 2024 chase the ultimate investmentAttributioniPlayerThe news remixed into weird shapes…Welcome to The Skewer, a twisted comedy treatAttributionSoundsOne of the world’s biggest scientific projects…Pallab Ghosh goes inside the largest particle accelerator in the worldAttributioniPlayerMost Read1Post Office victims set to be cleared under new law2Former world’s oldest dog stripped of title3Footballer Dani Alves guilty of nightclub rape4Warning over flooding as heavy rain lashes UK5Strictly dancer Windsor’s family thank fans6UK targets Russian military with further sanctions7’Little Britain’: How Russian media mocked UK missile failure8Sex assault case against Aerosmith star dismissed9First alopecia treatment recommended on the NHS10Dune 2 ‘like no other blockbuster’, say critics

[ad_1] The Medical Association of the State of Alabama said in a statement: “The significance of this decision impacts all Alabamians and will likely lead to fewer babies – children,…

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[ad_1] The 16th Century painting by Leonardo da Vinci sits behind protective glass at the Louvre in Paris.

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It focuses on whether a 2002 federal law created to prevent corporate misconduct could apply to individuals involved in the 6 January riots. More than 350 people have been charged in the incident under that law, which carries a 20-year prison penalty.Donald Trump faces the same charge in the pending federal case accusing him of election interference. The law makes it a crime to “corruptly” obstruct or impede an official proceeding. On Tuesday, Supreme Court Justices heard two hours of arguments over the law’s interpretation. However, it remained unclear how they would rule. A lawyer for a man who stormed the Capitol and was prosecuted under the law argued before the Justices that “a host of felony and misdemeanour” crimes already exist to prosecute his clients actions.The 2002 law passed in the wake of the Enron accounting scandal, Jeffrey Green said, was not one of them. US Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar counterargued that rioters deliberately attempted “to prevent Congress from certifying the results of the election,” therefore obstructing an official proceeding. Both fielded sceptical questions from the Justices. At one point, Mr Green argued that there is no historical precedent in which the law was used to prosecute demonstrators.Justice Sonia Sotomayor replied: “We’ve never had a situation before where (there was an attempt) to stop a proceeding violently, so I am not sure what a lack of history proves.”On the other hand, Ms Prelogar fielded questions from Justice Neil Gorusch on whether the law could then be stretched to apply to a “sit-in that disrupts a trial” or “a heckler” at the State of the Union Address. “Would pulling a fire alarm before a vote qualify for 20 years in federal prison?” he asked, appearing to reference an incident in which Jamaal Bowman, Democrat House representative, pressed a fire alarm in the Capitol.How the top court rules could have wide-ranging effects on the hundreds of people charged, convicted or sentenced under the law, as well as the prosecution of Mr Trump. Here is a breakdown of the key players and the law being argued: What is the 2002 federal law at the centre of the trial?The law is called the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. It was passed in response to the Enron scandal in the early 2000s, after it was exposed that those involved had engaged in massive fraud and shredding documents. It criminalizes the destruction of evidence – like records or documents. But it also penalises anyone who “otherwise obstructs, influences or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so.” How has it been used in response to the 6 January riots?Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) has brought obstruction charges against those who participated in the storming of the Capitol. Federal prosecutors argue they did so to impede Congress’ certification of the presidential electoral vote count to cement Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election. Therefore, the latter portion of the law that deals with obstructing an “official proceeding” would apply, the DoJ says. Who is challenging the law’s use in this case, and why? The Supreme Court is hearing a challenge to the law’s application brought forward by a former Pennsylvania police officer.Joseph Fischer was charged under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act with obstruction of a congressional proceeding on 6 January, as well as assaulting a police officer and disorderly conduct. His lawyers argue that prosecutors overreached with applying the Act, which they say deals explicitly with destroying or tampering with evidence integral to an investigation. Those who challenge the law’s application in 6 January cases also argue that a broad interpretation of the law would allow the prosecution of lobbyists or protestors who disrupt matters in Congress.How could the Supreme Court ruling impact Trump?The former president is charged under the very same law in a federal case accusing him of working to overturn the results of the 2020 election, which he lost to Mr Biden.If Supreme Court justices rule that the law does not apply to the 6 January rioters, Mr Trump could seek dismissal of half the charges he faces in that case.It also could be seen as a political win for the former president, who is seeking re-election in November, as he repeatedly has accused prosecutors of overreach. A final ruling is not expected until June. 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James Gallagher investigatesAttributionSoundsCould Nina shake up the unspoken rules of modern dating?Brand new comedy about love, friendship and being your own selfAttributioniPlayerWill the UK introduce tough anti-tobacco laws?Under new plans, anyone turning 15 from this year would be banned from buying cigarettesAttributionSoundsCan William Wisting find the truth?The Norwegian detective returns, tackling more grisly cold casesAttributioniPlayerMost Read1Muslim student loses school prayer ban challenge2Birmingham Airport suspends flights over incident3First product of Meghan’s lifestyle brand revealed4Police told to shut down right-wing Brussels conference5Marten a ‘lioness’ who ‘loved her cubs’, court told6Bowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifeline7Historic Copenhagen stock exchange goes up in flames8No liberty in addiction, says minister on smoking ban9Sons of McCartney and Lennon release joint single10Boy, 4, dies after fire at family home in Wigan

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Local authorities had raised concerns over public safety.A UK spokeswoman called reports of police action “extremely disturbing”. She said that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was a “strong supporter and advocator for free speech” and that he was “very clear that cancelling events or preventing attendance and no-platforming speakers is damaging to free speech and to democracy as a result”.Alexander De Croo, the Belgian prime minister, said that the shutting down of the conference was “unacceptable”.Referring to the fact that it was the local mayor, Emir Kir, who opposed the conference, Mr De Croo added that while municipal autonomy was a cornerstone of Belgium’s democracy it could “never overrule the Belgian constitution guaranteeing the freedom of speech”. “Banning political meetings is unconstitutional. Full stop,” Mr De Croo wrote on X.In a message to organisers, Mr Kir had said some of the attendees of Tuesday’s conference held anti-gay and anti-abortion views. “Among these personalities there are several particularly from the right-conservative, religious right and European extreme right,” his statement said.Mr Kir also wrote on X: “The far right is not welcome.”Nigel Farage, who took to the stage this morning, told the BBC the decision to close down the conference because there were homophobes in the audience was “cobblers”, and that he condemned the decision as an attempt to stifle free speech. “Thank God For Brexit”, he said.Organised by a think-tank called the Edmund Burke Foundation, the National Conservatism Conference is a global movement which espouses what it describes as traditional values, which it claims are being “undermined and overthrown”. It also opposes further European integration.The conference said it aimed to bring together “public figures, journalists, scholars and students” who understood the connection between conservatism and the idea of nationhood and national traditions. French far-right politician Eric Zemmour, arriving for the conference after police had blocked the entrance, told journalists that Mr Kir was “using the police as a private militia to prevent… Europeans from taking part freely”.Organisers said Mr Zemmour was not allowed into the venue and that his address would be postponed.Former UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman and far-right French politician Eric Zemmour were listed as keynote speakers. The National Conservatism Conference reportedly started around 08:00 (06:00 GMT) on Tuesday and carried on for three hours until police showed up and asked the organisers to make attendees leave.Later, organisers wrote on X: “The police are not letting anyone in. People can leave, but they cannot return. Delegates have limited access to food and water, which are being prevented from delivery. Is this what city mayor Emir Kir is aiming for?”Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki were due to speak tomorrow. Earlier, the organisers said on X that they would challenge the order to shut the conference down. “The police entered the venue on our invitation, saw the proceedings and the press corps, and quickly withdrew. Is it possible they witnessed how peaceful the event is?,” they wrote on X.The Claridge event space – located near Brussels’s European Quarter – can host up to 850 people. Around 250 people were in attendance on Tuesday afternoon.Mohamed Nemri, the owner of Claridge, told the BBC he had decided to host the event because “we don’t reject any party…. even if we don’t have the same opinion. That’s normal”.”I am Muslim and people have different opinion and that’s it. We are living in a freedom country. I’d like to people to talk freely,” he added.It is the third venue that was supposed to hold the event, after the previous two fell through. Belgian media reported that one venue pulled out after pressure by a group called the “Antifascist coordination of Belgium”.Related TopicsBelgiumTop StoriesMuslim student loses school prayer ban challengePublished43 minutes agoBowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifelinePublished5 hours agoLive. US expects to impose further sanctions on Iran ‘in the coming days’FeaturesJeremy Bowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifelineIranians on edge as leaders say ‘Tel Aviv is our battleground’A really, really big election with nearly a billion votersWhat is the smoking ban and how will it work?Martin Tyler: I nearly lost my voice foreverWho are the millions of Britons not working?How to register to vote for the local elections ahead of midnight deadlineMeteorite ‘repeatedly transformed’ on space journeyHow the Alec Baldwin fatal film set shooting unfoldedElsewhere on the BBCFrom weight loss to prolonging lifeIs intermittent fasting actually good for you? James Gallagher investigatesAttributionSoundsCould Nina shake up the unspoken rules of modern dating?Brand new comedy about love, friendship and being your own selfAttributioniPlayerWill the UK introduce tough anti-tobacco laws?Under new plans, anyone turning 15 from this year would be banned from buying cigarettesAttributionSoundsCan William Wisting find the truth?The Norwegian detective returns, tackling more grisly cold casesAttributioniPlayerMost Read1Muslim student loses school prayer ban challenge2First product of Meghan’s lifestyle brand revealed3Police told to shut down right-wing Brussels conference4Bowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifeline5Superdry boss hits back at ‘not cool’ criticism6Historic Copenhagen stock exchange goes up in flames7MPs to vote on smoking ban for those born after 20098Stabbed TV presenter ‘feeling much better’9Sons of McCartney and Lennon release joint single10Baby hurt in Sydney stabbing out of intensive care

BBC HomepageSkip to contentAccessibility HelpYour accountNotificationsHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeMore menuMore menuSearch BBCHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeCBBCCBeebiesFoodClose menuBBC NewsMenuHomeIsrael-Gaza warCost of LivingWar in UkraineClimateUKWorldBusinessPoliticsCultureMoreTechScienceHealthFamily & EducationIn PicturesNewsbeatBBC VerifyDisabilityWorldAfricaAsiaAustraliaEuropeLatin AmericaMiddle EastUS & CanadaNasa says part of International Space Station crashed into Florida homePublished40 minutes agoShareclose panelShare pageCopy linkAbout sharingImage source, NASAImage caption, The recovered object was part of a stanchion used to mount batteries to a cargo palletBy Max MatzaBBC NewsUS space agency Nasa confirmed that an object that crashed into a home in Florida earlier this month was part of the International Space Station (ISS). The metal object was jettisoned from the orbiting outpost in March 2021, Nasa said on Monday after analysing the sample at the Kennedy Space Center.The 1.6lb (0.7kg) metal object tore through two layers of ceiling after re-entering Earth’s atmosphere. Homeowner Alejandro Otero said his son was nearly injured by the impact. Nasa said the object was part of some 5,800lbs of hardware that was dumped by the station after it had new lithium-ion batteries installed. “The hardware was expected to fully burn up during entry through Earth’s atmosphere on March 8, 2024. However, a piece of hardware survived and impacted a home in Naples, Florida,” the agency said.The debris was determined to be part of a stanchion used to mount batteries on a cargo pallet. The object, made from metal alloy Inconel, has dimensions of 4in by 1.6in (10.1cm by 4cm).Mr Otero told CBS affiliate Wink-TV that the device created a “tremendous sound” as it blasted into his home.”It almost hit my son. He was two rooms over and heard it all,” he said.”I was shaking. I was completely in disbelief. What are the chances of something landing on my house with such force to cause so much damage,” Mr Otero continued.”I’m super grateful that nobody got hurt.”According to Nasa, the ISS will “perform a detailed investigation” on how the debris survived burn-up.What’s the risk of being hit by falling space debris?Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s more space junkSpace junk has been a growing a problem. Earlier this month, sky watchers in California watched mysterious golden streaks moving through the night sky.US officials later determined that the light show was caused by burning debris from a Chinese rocket re-entering earth’s orbit.In February, a Chinese satellite known as “Object K” burned up as it re-entered the atmosphere over Hawaii.Last year, a barnacle-covered giant metal dome found on a Western Australian beach was identified as a component of an Indian rocket. There are plans to display it alongside chunks of Nasa’s Skylab, which crashed in Australia in 1979. This video can not be playedTo play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser.Media caption, Object thought to be a satellite burns up on re-entering Earth’s atmosphereRelated TopicsSpace debrisNasaFloridaUnited StatesMore on this storyIs it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s more space junkPublished3 AprilRobot dog trains to walk on Moon in Oregon trialsPublished3 days agoTop StoriesMuslim student loses school prayer ban challengePublished50 minutes agoBowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifelinePublished4 hours agoLive. US expects to impose further sanctions on Iran ‘in the coming days’FeaturesJeremy Bowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifelineIranians on edge as leaders say ‘Tel Aviv is our battleground’A really, really big election with nearly a billion votersWhat is the smoking ban and how will it work?Martin Tyler: I nearly lost my voice foreverWho are the millions of Britons not working?How to register to vote for the local elections ahead of midnight deadlineMeteorite ‘repeatedly transformed’ on space journeyHow the Alec Baldwin fatal film set shooting unfoldedElsewhere on the BBCFrom weight loss to prolonging lifeIs intermittent fasting actually good for you? James Gallagher investigatesAttributionSoundsCould Nina shake up the unspoken rules of modern dating?Brand new comedy about love, friendship and being your own selfAttributioniPlayerWill the UK introduce tough anti-tobacco laws?Under new plans, anyone turning 15 from this year would be banned from buying cigarettesAttributionSoundsCan William Wisting find the truth?The Norwegian detective returns, tackling more grisly cold casesAttributioniPlayerMost Read1Muslim student loses school prayer ban challenge2First product of Meghan’s lifestyle brand revealed3Police told to shut down right-wing Brussels conference4Bowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifeline5Superdry boss hits back at ‘not cool’ criticism6Historic Copenhagen stock exchange goes up in flames7MPs to vote on smoking ban for those born after 20098Stabbed TV presenter ‘feeling much better’9Baby hurt in Sydney stabbing out of intensive care10Martin Tyler: I nearly lost my voice forever

BBC HomepageSkip to contentAccessibility HelpYour accountNotificationsHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeMore menuMore menuSearch BBCHomeNewsSportWeatheriPlayerSoundsBitesizeCBBCCBeebiesFoodClose menuBBC NewsMenuHomeIsrael-Gaza warCost of LivingWar in UkraineClimateUKWorldBusinessPoliticsCultureMoreTechScienceHealthFamily & EducationIn PicturesNewsbeatBBC VerifyDisabilityWorldAfricaAsiaAustraliaEuropeLatin AmericaMiddle EastUS & CanadaFormer Marine jailed for nine years for bombing abortion clinicPublished7 minutes agoShareclose panelShare pageCopy linkAbout sharingRelated TopicsUS abortion debateImage source, CBSBy Max MatzaBBC NewsA former US Marine has been jailed for nine years for firebombing a California Planned Parenthood clinic and plotting other attacks to spark a “race war”.Chance Brannon, 24, pleaded guilty to the March 2022 attack on the healthcare clinic, which provides abortions in some of its locations.He also plotted to attack Jewish people and an LGBT pride event taking place at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. At the time of his arrest, he was an active duty member of the US Marines. Prosecutors said Brannon was a neo-Nazi who frequently spoke of “cleansing” the US of “particular ethnic groups”. In November, Brannon pleaded guilty to conspiracy, destruction of property, possession of an explosive and intentionally damaging a reproductive health services facility.Kristen Clarke, the assistant attorney general for the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, said the attack “was designed to terrorise patients seeking reproductive healthcare and the people who provide it”.The explosion damaged the front entrance to the clinic in Costa Mesa, Orange County. No one was injured.However, Mehtab Syed, of the FBI’s Los Angeles field office, said Brannon’s “deep-rooted hatred and extremist views… could have killed innocent people”. Mr Syed added that Brannon plotted to rob Jewish residents in the Hollywood Hills, and had also discussed plans to attack the power grid. Further to this, in 2022, Mr Syed said Brannon, of San Juan Capistrano, placed calls to two US “adversaries” hoping to offer himself as a “mole” providing US intelligence.Two co-defendants, Tibet Ergul and Xavier Batten, have pleaded guilty to similar charges and will be sentenced next month.According to the National Abortion Federation, a group representing US abortion providers, there was a “sharp increase” in violence against clinics in 2022. Related TopicsAbortionUS abortion debateUnited StatesCaliforniaMore on this storyWhat is Planned Parenthood?Published25 September 2015Top StoriesMuslim student loses school prayer ban challengePublished53 minutes agoBowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifelinePublished3 hours agoLive. Israel demands sanctions on Iranian missile projectFeaturesJeremy Bowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifelineIranians on edge as leaders say ‘Tel Aviv is our battleground’A really, really big election with nearly a billion votersWhat is the smoking ban and how will it work?Martin Tyler: I nearly lost my voice foreverWho are the millions of Britons not working?How to register to vote for the local elections ahead of midnight deadlineMeteorite ‘repeatedly transformed’ on space journeyHow the Alec Baldwin fatal film set shooting unfoldedElsewhere on the BBCFrom weight loss to prolonging lifeIs intermittent fasting actually good for you? James Gallagher investigatesAttributionSoundsCould Nina shake up the unspoken rules of modern dating?Brand new comedy about love, friendship and being your own selfAttributioniPlayerWill the UK introduce tough anti-tobacco laws?Under new plans, anyone turning 15 from this year would be banned from buying cigarettesAttributionSoundsCan William Wisting find the truth?The Norwegian detective returns, tackling more grisly cold casesAttributioniPlayerMost Read1Muslim student loses school prayer ban challenge2Police told to shut down right-wing Brussels conference3Superdry boss hits back at ‘not cool’ criticism4First product of Meghan’s lifestyle brand revealed5Bowen: Iran’s attack on Israel offers Netanyahu a lifeline6Historic Copenhagen stock exchange goes up in flames7MPs to vote on smoking ban for those born after 20098Stabbed TV presenter ‘feeling much better’9William to return to duties after Kate diagnosis10Baby hurt in Sydney stabbing out of intensive care